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Kristina Clark and John Kemmerer

Gavin Kemmerer“This depth and extent of LD expertise, these high-value built-in supports, and this entirely unique environment of safety, 安全, and celebration all provide the rarest of opportunities for our LD students.”

Before LC, Gavin had no academic confidence and became disinclined to “non-preferred activities,” which included most schoolwork. When not at school, he was often alone in his room, with few opportunities to develop social and practical life skills.

Flash forward to what is the beginning of Gavin’s fourth year at Landmark and see a young man transformed. His grades are solid, and he has held two on-campus internships and occupied a leadership position within Landmark’s streaming radio station.

Most thrilling and gratifying, he now has friends—lots of them. He hangs out at the Fireside Cafe, attends campus events, and takes part in organized, off-campus adventures. He does his own laundry, buys his groceries, manages his time, sticks to a schedule, balances his checkbook, and tracks direct deposit of paychecks with excitement and pride. Above all, Gavin is HAPPY.

This depth and extent of LD expertise, these high-value built-in supports, and this entirely unique environment of safety, 安全, and celebration all provide the rarest of opportunities for our LD students. But this also costs a lot of money to sustain. Because we feel that Landmark is the only academic institution that is getting it right, we are passionately committed to the financial support of the college, we are now paying it forward with our annual gift to Landmark College.  We hope you will join us in giving generously to the Annual Fund. It truly is a gift that benefits all of us, with the power to transform the world in which our children are trying so hard to make their way.

Kristina Clark and John Kemmerer

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